Artemis Dream


Dictated from a voice note (not super organized)

Last night I went to bed early. It was Monday June 17th, and I asked for clarity on the meaning of the deer that I've been seeing. It seems like I can get really close and yesterday one ran so close in front of me across my path that if I was walking any faster, I would have collided with it. After laying there for a bit, I got the name Artemis again, which I've previously gotten in a meditation and had been trying to figure out what it meant to me personally. I thought maybe related to NASA, but I then got this visual of a temple and the understanding of it being related to worship and cults of Artemis. I don't know this part of history so it does seem to be more of a message than my own logic.

I was thinking about attempting an OBE, but I fell asleep. I had what seemed like a recall of a past life, either of my own or maybe I was seeing past time events. I remember all the details pretty well.

So as far as Artemis or Diana there is some sort of lost history of her importance related to her and how she was worshipped. And there was, I think they call it a cult, but it was groups of women and girls that kind of worked with her and her energy. It could be a past life for me. Wherever this temple was, or whatever visual I'm seeing, I don't know if it's related to Atlantis, if it's related to Greece, if it's, you know, the temple that burned down is in present day Turkey. I don't really know that part of it. But I got the understanding that groups of women or girls would worship under her.

Then I got some clarity on why I'm spending so much time in the forest and the meaning of that. The deer is important from whatever timeline that I was looking at and the forest is, too. I think that it is spiritually related to doing work with her. The energy there is different. And so when I do go on a walk and I'm in the forest, it does feel like I’m in a different frequency. My understanding was the foundation of Artemis or working with that energy, part of it was the forest. And that's her connection to the other side or other frequencies. So when I go into the forest during the day, I'm able to connect with that frequency and almost magnetically pull in things like thoughts, messages, animals, due to the vibration, which feels very familiar to me. But it doesn't feel recent, if that makes sense, not from this particular life and I’ve just recently started reconnecting with it.

The deer is meaningful spiritually, as far as me being connected to my intuition. It's kind of this gentle, feminine energy. It almost feels like a fairytale, if I had to explain it. And I also got the word, this was, I don't think related, but I kept getting the word over and over and not to forget it...calcified trees. And I don't think that means petrified trees, but calcified trees. I'm going to have to look that up. And the whole dream or whatever I was witnessing just seemed like it has to do with history that was erased or that has not been passed on accurately, that was a big piece of a lot of people's evolution or getting to a different vibrational state by working with this energy that took place in or around this temple or is represented by the temple and Artemis.

I thought maybe I'd look up Greek mythology and Rome, but I remember Roman history isn't completely accurate, but visually that's what I keep seeing as a reference. I went back after this and looked at some of my pictures of when we visited Rome and Pompeii, and that was really interesting. There are the casts of people that have died- and 13 of them are on display. I had another vision before this dream of an explosion that seemed on the scale of an atomic bomb but visually looked like dirt, and seemed related to Mount Vesuvius. Also I had an experience with kundalini energy when I was in Italy and then it happened again in Spain so that is another aside that could connect later.

Artemis' temple of Ephesus is in present day Turkey. I haven't quite made sense of that either. Was that Egypt/Atlantis? Artemis is also related to Bastet in Egypt. As far as Greek mythology, it is called the Sanctuary of Artemis. I just looked it up really quickly. But this was another interesting synchronicity because I had gotten the word sanctuary a while back. I wrote it down. I didn't even remember writing it down. I was writing a grocery list and I looked later at the grocery list and it said "sanctuary". I just thought that meant that when I move, that's what the feeling should be- a sanctuary. But now I'm seeing it pop up here too so that was kind of interesting.

After I woke up, I also understood how some beings or creatures looked on Earth at that time and how things changed or were manipulated. On the other side, or in an OBE or past timeline what we see there used to all be here. It's not just the human form that we see now. So, for example, Diana with multiple breasts or people that just look odd to us (I've been looking at old artwork which helps to connect a lot of this). It was a lot more varied and chaotic. It was on this side before, too.

Another thing that I got as a visual before was a Trojan horse. I thought why is this Trojan horse popping up? Does this mean something in my life? This was again months ago, probably a month or two ago. I had written it down, but this is all around the same timeline as what I was seeing in my dream, I think.

I'm going to look up some history and see what I land on. I think maybe the correct version of history related to Artemis or Diana, or her importance, wasn’t passed on accurately. The other thing that she is associated with is the moon. I had said a few months ago when someone asked why I felt connected to the moon- without really thinking it through- I don't know, maybe it's a past life thing for me that I feel so connected to it. A lot of goddesses did work with the moon, and she in particular is the full moon. These women felt like the moon had a power and beliefs become collective and thoughts become things. I think it does also magnetically have an influence on us as well (I have a few thoughts about how that works with plasma- women are more connected to the moon because they have a higher percentage of plasma). Women had different rituals so that seems connected to this timeline and maybe why I feel connected to the moon.

When I woke up it seemed really clear to me that structure or temple had some sort of significance and felt like a possible past life of mine.



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