I joined in January 2024 and I've been attempting on and off with one short OBE in June of 2024. I hopped off the webinar around 8:15 pm because I wanted to attempt and felt motivated that I could do it. I have been doing affirmations over the last month and I've been working on unconditional love (sounds cheesy I know, but it helped). Before the attempt I was pretty solid in that state. When I last looked at the clock it was 9:45 pm and I progressed quickly into vibration. I think I exited between 10:00 and 10:30 pm. I remember the feeling of sinking into the bed and I hadn't had that happen before. I decided to quickly roll out and it was kind of forceful. I thought I would hit the floor hard. Instead, I floated on my back into the master bathroom. It was my intention to walk in there to get space from my body so that I didn't get pulled back in, but I think I just ended up there because I had set that as my intention.
Next I was standing on the marble tile floor and the floor felt hard, but it wasn't cold like usual. I remember thinking I'm here. My logic was working well and I felt very calm. I rehearsed what I was going to do: 1) look at my body to confirm I'm out, 2) access my soul records, and 3) meet a guide. I also always have the overarching goal of knowing a purpose.
It's a straight shot from the bathroom to my bed and as I walked back to my bed to view my body I saw a black visual. It was not clearly defined, but I would describe it as a circle or a spiral and it was rotating counterclockwise. This is the best visual I could find except it was all black. I remember it looked grainy or granular at the outside edges.

I recall thinking that I was not going to make it to my body and was kind of laughing to myself in my head. As I got closer it looked very big- way bigger than a doorway. I don't recall going through it, but the next thing I remember I was standing in a big structure. During the experience I was in a few different spaces. I didn't see the outside of the first space because I just ended up there, but it was expansive and everything was constructed of light beige stone. There were many stairs in front of me and to the left and right there were large ledges. The ceiling was very high and there was also an element of fire (it was far off and I don't know if that was fire torches or bowls). The space was dimly lit, but I could see everything. The space was monotone or monochromatic without much color. It reminded me of a big entrance hall of a museum. Both the structure and the energy felt familiar and it felt very balanced. I didn't feel like I was in a hurry to go anywhere as I was standing there in the middle.
Then, a man came out and he did not appear as formal as I expected. He was wearing what I would explain to be a white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He took me into another room. In this other room there was a large rectangular table with two long benches on either side and everything in there was again this same beige stone. It was not a huge room and the table was in one half of the space and the other half was full of people dressed the same as the man. They didn't really pay attention to me or it just didn't seem unusual to them that I was there. I sat by the man and a woman was seated on his other side. He showed me a visual on the table (I don't know if it's on the table or in the table) and it looked like a streetscape.

He says you could go here asI look at the visual (similar to the one above) and it is also giving me information somehow. It looks like a historic area with brick streets and lanterns/streetlights (gaslights?) on the sides of buildings. It didn't seem that there was electricity. There were buildings on either side and looked to be the late 1800s or early 1900s. The information that I got was "this is Egypt/England combined" and the word Alexandria. That didn't really make sense to me during the experience. I don't know this part of history in Egypt, but when I researched it afterwards there was a time period when the British occupied Alexandria, Egypt. The guide also said there are no cars there you have to take a horse and buggy. The word buggy stood out to me because I would say horse and carriage, so that seemed to point to a particular time period or location. I asked how long does that take and he said about 45 minutes. Then I told him I don't know if I have enough time.
Just a few asides that were kind of funny. The lady next to him said "That looks interesting, we haven't been there...maybe we should go". She was talking to the man and this is when it hit me- guides aren't just sitting around waiting to guide us 24/7- they are having their own experiences, too. I also noticed what I was wearing when they were talking to each other. I felt my strap to my tank top had fallen off my shoulder so I put it back. Then I thought huh, I'm in my pajamas. It was exactly what I wore to bed. I didn't feel self conscious about it, but just found it interesting all the details that I noticed and how physical it felt to put the strap back on my shoulder.
I'm still not sure if he meant these experiences in general take about 45 minutes, but I thought he meant we would take a horse and buggy from where we were and it would take 45 minutes to get there. I guess I didn't go because next that I remember I was standing outside. I think I may have been behind the same structure that I was in, but it could have been a totally different building. I was standing in the sand and behind me was water and in front of me were steep stairs to very tall building. It was made of white stone (instead of the light beige inside of the other buillding). It was more tall than wide and there was somehow the element of fire again (large torches I think). I remember hearing wind, but I don't remember feeling the wind. I also heard music in a low tone. What struck me about this location was how close the water was to the stairs and that waves would hit the building over and over.
Next, I was shown a legal document. I don't have a guide at this point and I'm not holding it. I'm seeing it clearly and I can read it just like I would be reading on this side. I remember what it says and it's a typewritten (there were some personal details, so I won't post that here). It seems like evidence for a court case where someone is being sued. Then my dad's handwriting is at the bottom of this on a yellow legal pad like he would always write on. This letter was from the current time, not historical. I'll also mention that my dad passed away about seven years ago and he was a lawyer, so that seems to fit with the document I was seeing. Next, I'm shown a visual of two people in the water in bathing suits and this seems to relate to the letter. I see a snapshot of them, and I know that they're not there, but understand that it's a past moment probably in the last 5 years.
I woke up after that and I was covered in sweat. I was thirsty and had a headache, but more than that I was very excited because I knew I had a solid success. It was personally very fulfilling to have that experience after attempting many times. I also didn't run into anything fearful or scary, which sets the stage for future attempts and staying out of fear. The time on the clock when I woke up was 11:33 PM so I was out about an hour to an hour and a half. I felt like it should be 3:00 AM or morning, though. I was so confused when I looked at the time. I came downstairs and I chugged some salt water and my stomach was growling, which was also unusual and funny for me, but again all was good. I did manage to go back to sleep and it was pretty early on in the night. The next day I felt like I had a ton of caffeine, and was a busy body but getting nothing done is the only way I can explain it (wired and tired). I had brain fog for a few days. The one thing that surprised me was that I didn't feel like sharing right away. I really wanted to sit with it as more and more details kept coming in. I thought I would want to talk about it, but I really it was the opposite- I did not want to talk about it until I had fully processed it.
I also found it interesting that my Oura ring (that I use to track my sleep) didn't show a reading for heart rate or HRV (heart rate variability) during that time. There can be a few reasons for a gap, but I haven't had it happen often. I'll have to see if that lines up again next time. The Oura website says it does not measure heart rate when it goes under 33 beats per minute. It started tracking again the rest of the night.