Main highlights and connecting the dots (full OBE here)
The picture below is almost exactly (if not the same street) that I saw during my OBE. I was shown a visual on a table in what may have been the Cathedrals. A guide told me we could go here as he pointed to the visual and said that there are no cars and we have to take horse and buggy. I remember receiving some information- I got the word Alexandria and that this is Egypt/England combined. This website shows many visuals of Alexandria, Egypt from 1890-early 1900s.

By the 1840s Alexandria became a major part of the world economy. I won't go into the whole history, as that can be found if people are interested, but in general during this time "people in the modern part of Alexandria were wearing European clothes and speaking European languages and it had become a cosmopolitan court city of over 100,000 people".
The second structure I visited when I was outside in the sand was similar in scale to this picture of the Lighthouse on the Island of Pharos/Alexandria, Egypt. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and about 400 feet tall.
One thing from the OBE experience that I didn't expect was noticing the energy in certain spaces. I was able to get an understanding of the feeling of different structures and their placement and frequency. It feels much like the physical experience on this side, where I'm sensitive to energy and the overall feeling of a space. I also remember hearing music at a low pitch during the OBE and thinking this is like the sound of wind, but I didn't feel the wind. This source mentioned trumpets and conch shells were used at a low pitch as siren sounds.
The footprint also reminded me of other structures and I'm curious if these were built using the same geometry of structures as they exist in the Cathedrals. Maybe it is based on celestial alignment or they are built to specific dimensions to hold a certain frequency. I thought of other examples of structures with similar proportions- a picture of the illuminated Eiffel Tower from the World's fair popped into my head, the Tower of Babel, Pagodas, Temple of Artemis (I had a dream about this which seemed like a possible past life memory earlier this year), the Temple of Soloman and many other ziggurats and castles (the list could go on and on). I could have been shown this location to connect with a past life or to understand how things are constructed. The buildings could be based on a blueprint as it was found in ancient structures. The architecture could be symbolic and related to ancient Egypt/Atlantis, worshipping gods-or maybe it's more than symbolic and related to frequency, electromagnetic energy, and/or connecting with the other side.

Different ways to understand a concept can come in if you stay open and don't feel like you need one right answer. There are often multiple meanings. Overall, I think I'm being shown clues to a past life (I feel really strongly about the Alexandria Library that was also destroyed) and also certain concepts of history being erased.

"The loss of the ancient world's single greatest archive of knowledge, the Library of Alexandria, has been lamented for ages. But how and why it was lost is still a mystery. The mystery exists not for lack of suspects but from an excess of them. In addition to collecting works from the past, the Mouseion which housed the Library also served as home to a host of international scholars, poets, philosophers, and researchers were provided with a large salary, free food and lodging, and exemption from taxes. They had a large, circular dining hall with a high domed ceiling in which they ate meals communally. There were also numerous classrooms, where the scholars were expected to at least occasionally teach students."
This video also shows a lot of visuals that line up with what I saw in the OBE. It was good confirmation to see some of the concepts and structures that I was trying to describe reflected here.
Those that know the significance and want to control power destroy these structures which hold certain energy, frequencies, as well to suppress information held in important books and records (papyrus in this case). The time period of post-mud floods as it relates to seeding cities and taking over of Tartarian structures and calling them new (this is a good video of Tartaria that was removed from YouTube) also seems tied in with the first visual I was shown.