I noticed after the most recent OBE I predicted a few things that week in real time. The more time that goes by since the OBE the less I am experiencing that. It makes me think that an uptick not just in intuition (which I strongly lean on all the time), but predicting small events accurately. A visual would pop into my head and then that scenario would play out the same day. I could adjust my actions if needed. These are small events but makes me realize what I could tap into on a bigger scale. I'll give a few examples below.
· I was pulling out of my garage, and I saw a visual of me unlocking the front door with a key and our garage door not opening. I thought oh- the power could go out in this garage, and I would have to go in the front door, and I should make sure I have a key with me. I don't always have a key because I'm so used to going in the garage. This played out later that day when I got home from the school car line, the garage wouldn't open. I didn't feel surprised either. It seemed natural to know that was a prediction to help me. We unlocked the door, and the power came back on within a half hour.
· I think it was the next day I was standing looking at the calendar that I have hanging on the fridge. It was December 9 and not my turn to pick up from school. But, I saw a visual of my daughter standing outside in the rain where the car line pick up is and no one was there to get her. I looked back at a text to make sure I had written down the days correctly and I had. I texted her ride to ask about pickup that day and they said oh no they must have gotten my days mixed up. Not a big deal- I could easily adjust and pick her up, but usually I wouldn't have double checked like that because there's never been an issue.
· I hadn't been able to find my grandma's ring for a few months. I knew it was here somewhere. It's not worth a lot of money, but it's one of the only items I have from her. I had looked everywhere, and I had looked in this one jewelry box many times. I don't have a ton of jewelry and what I do have is not all in one place. I wasn't thinking of it at all one morning when I walked by the jewelry box and I suddenly got the message it was in there. I was thinking to myself that I've already looked in there, but I looked again. It took me only a minute to find it. I even visualized the little pouch it was in, and I swear it wasn't in there before when I looked.
· One thing that I noticed when I was looking for my ring from my grandma was my pendulum. I had stopped using a pendulum about a year ago because I wanted to rely on my intuition only, but before that I would use it and ask about little things like supplements or food. I thought maybe I'll try this again just for fun, but I wasn’t feeling like I needed to know the right answer to anything. It was more of a curiosity. I always test it to make sure which way the yes and no is going. When I said my name to test for yes or no it went to the left. I've had several pendulums in the last five years or so and every single one, including this one, has always gone to the right for yes. Now suddenly I am going to the left for yes. I tested a few other things for the answer being yes- just simple things like my son's name and it was the same result. Why am I suddenly going to the left? **update I bought a new pendlum because I realized it was from my old house. Everything that I have brought over since the move hasn't worked right and I end up getting new instead. I finally stopped trying to bring stuff over and instead just have gotten new items. I thought this could be the same. My new pendulum goes to the right! I probably could have cleared the old one, but why not start fresh?
· I wanted to try to connect with my dad and I went to bed with that strong intention. I was attempting OBE and had been tuning in for about 10 minutes when I got a low ringing in my left ear. That lasted a few seconds. Then it switched to a new higher pitch in my right ear and a tone I've never heard before. It lasted probably 5 minutes. I didn't have a successful OBE, but I felt connected to my dad the whole time until I fell asleep.
· We have four of the same drinking glasses. They are made of glass and have a glass straw and a bamboo lid. I know not very kid (or me) friendly! I dropped one of the straws and it shattered. I was cleaning it up and saw I had a text on my phone. It said one of the straws fell and broke - why do we have straws made of glass?! I realized my daughter and I each dropped a straw and broke it at the exact same time in different locations.